
iGotThis: (Sort'a) Hellenix Takes on the New Challenge Tiers of Forest Moon Assault Battles (Using G

iGotThis: (Sort'a) Hellenix Takes on the New Challenge Tiers of Forest Moon Assault Battles (Using G I Got This:
Hellenix Takes on
the New Challenge Tiers
in SWGoH's Forest Moon Assault Battles
Using General Grievous & His Separatist Droids


Watch this latest entry in my iGotThis series, and learn what YOU need to do, to beat the new Challenge Tiers in the "Forest Moon" Assault Battles (and get yourself some shiny rewards, in the process!). Get yourself prepared for the newest tiers of the 'Ewok Battle', in our favourite mobile game, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, by beating these newest tiers and earning some much needed Gear-12+ peices.

You may be wondering why I say "sort'a" in the title.  Well.... that's because I could only beat Challenge Tier 1, and, there ain't no way in Korriban I'm wasting gear to beat Tier 2.  Sorry, CG_Devs.... wait.... who'm I kidding.... I ain't sorry.... I just ain't spending! F2P is da WAE 4 me !!!!

Join me, an Imperial Security Bureau Officer, a Stormtrooper (likely named 'Gary'), Snoop Dogg, Carlton Banks, Brian Griffin, the Noisestorm Rave Crab, Jimmy Barnes.... and even a guest appearance by RangerJ1999 and Grimm (from the RSG Crew).... as we all have fun, and laugh at my expense, as I succeed in beating the first tier.... aaaaaaaand fail miserably at beating the second!

So.... where better than to learn all these secrets than THIS video?!  As always: DON'T answer that!  Instead, become a SWGoH Holotable Hero !!!!  Don't get frustrated by the difficulty coded into these events, by the Developers at Capital Games !!!!  Remember that SWGoH is just a GAME.  And, games, by their very nature, are SUPPOSED to be FUN !!!!  And, if we can't have fun winning, we all might as well just have fun laughing at our losses, I say!

As always, we selected some great tunes for you to enjoy, while you watch! This video's featured song is:

"Party in the Jungle" [ElectroHouse Mix]
Provided Roaylty Free,
by TeknoAXE.
Visit their YouTube Channel at:

Please be sure to give their video & channel a like.

Also, make sure to like THIS video too, share it with your friends (especially if any of those folks are having trouble with Tier One).  And, while you're at it, subscribe to my channel, and, post a comment!   Were you able to beat Tier Two?  If so, how well geared were your toons?  Let us know in the comments!

As ALWAYS.... thanks for watching everyone.... and, until next time friends, keep being the awesome you, that only YOU can be !!!!


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