Hey family!! If you're new here, Welcome! My name is Falon and we are a family of seven! In today's Get It All Done vlog we're catching up on laundry, cleaning up, and cooking supper! Originally we were making BLTs, but then it got changed to BFD! Breakfast For Dinner! Join me for this Life Of a Homemaker video! I hope it gives you some motivation today! Thanks for watching y'all!!
I get most of the music in my videos from epidemicsound.com
Here's where you can find most of the things I use for cooking & cleaning! My Amazon Store:
get it all done,weekday cooking and cleaning,cook with me,clean with me,life of a homemaker,homemaker,homemaking,mom,stay at home mom,cleaning motivation,breakfast for dinner,supper dinner,mom life,mom motivation,get it done,how to be productive,