
What’s on World Wide Campus? - WHO concerned about coronavirus cases with no clear link

What’s on World Wide Campus? - WHO concerned about coronavirus cases with no clear link For this week on “What’s on World Wide Campus?”, here’s more news about World Health Organization concerned about coronavirus cases with no clear link.

According to CGTN, The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the number of coronavirus cases with no clear epidemiological link, although the total number of cases outside China remains relatively small, its director general said on Saturday.

Cases with no clear link include those with no travel history to China or contact with a confirmed case, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a briefing.

China has reported 75,569 cases to the WHO, including 2,239 deaths, he said. According to available data, the disease remains mild in 80 percent of coronavirus patients, and is severe or critical in 20 percent of patients, he said. The virus has been fatal in two percent of reported cases.

The risk of death increases for older patients, Tedros said, adding there were relatively few cases among children.

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World Health Organization (WHO),Coronavirus,

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