
911 EMERGENCY MESSAGE!!! (Pay attention Divine Feminine, Union depends on you)

911 EMERGENCY MESSAGE!!! (Pay attention Divine Feminine,  Union depends on you) There will be a heart to heart conversation between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Divine Feminine, pay attention to your responses and actions...this conversation depends on your Union or More Delays...

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You can purchase my New Oracle Deck (FORTUNES OF REALITY) through my website or directly

*** For Personal Readings - Please make your payment using Send also both you and your person's names.

I hope this message will relate to someone and help by giving clarity on your twin flame journey. Please like, share and subscribe. Especially the divine masculines so we know you are out there.

Listen to my podcast on As. (womanual) Find it on the iStore and Play Store. We discuss what’s happening in and around our Twin Flame Journey. You may also leave voice messages which I will add to an episode on (womanual). You can also listen on:-

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Listen to my other videos and see if any will be of help to you on your twin flame journey. Thank you.

Disclaimer:- My readings are general and may not relate to everyone. They are for entertainment purposes only and please don’t make any life-changing events based on my readings. I am not a councellor, I give advice based on what I see and feel when I do my card readings and experiences.

Take these messages as a guide.

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