
Co-operative care - Nail trimming

Co-operative care - Nail trimming This is a quick demo of cooperative care in action.
The towel is a predictor that some kind of husbandry is going to be undertaken. A lot of value (food) has been put into the towel so that it is a great place to be.
This process was started by encouraging Luna to lay on the towel and reaching towards her leg, marking and treating, then once comfortable with this, touching her leg, marking and treating, then reaching towards her paw, marking and treating until I could ask for a paw which she willingly presents for a nail clip. As you can see at the end of the video, I am taking off the tiniest of slivers with each clip to avoid quicking Luna's nail.
Note - Luna can choose to leave the towel at any point to stop the clipping and will still get food, I want her to want to be there, as it makes the process less stressful for both of us.


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