
Cry of the 'Xcluded' | Protesters highlight the need for jobs and basic services

Cry of the 'Xcluded' | Protesters highlight the need for jobs and basic services A group of people from all across South Africa have traveled to Cape Town under the banner "Cry of the Xcluded".

They intend on converging in Cape Town ahead of Budget Day on Wednesday. Before Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivers his budget speech, the group will hold what it calls a Real Job Summit, which will be followed by a demonstration where it will present its demands to Parliament.

The action group protesting under the caption "We Want Jobs, Dignity and Services"! is planning to build the mass campaign into a nationwide activity.

Joining us from our Sea Point studios is Pinky Langa from the Southern African Green Revolutionary Council and Zwelinzima Vavi from SAFTU is with us in the studio.

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SABC News,actuality,world news,local news,Cry of the Xcluded,South African Federation of Trade Unions,Zwelinzima Vavi,Southern African Green Revolutionary Council,Pinky Langa,

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