
Does your podcast look like everyone elses?

Does your podcast look like everyone elses? One conclusion I came to when I reassessed what I was doing along with podcasting was that I looked like everyone else, and I say "looked" for a reason, not "sounded like" with podcasting.

Because before people even actually listen to your podcast, they've got to have a look at your artwork and sort of see whether you even look like the kind of thing they'd be interested in.

So art work is incredibly important. And I was calling my project..

"The Midson project"

No one had ever heard of me. I'm not like Tim Ferris!

So that failed from the start, and it looked like any other political podcast out there.

Why would you listen to me?

So over the next 24 hours, I'm going to do a reassessment of the artwork I'm using for THIS podcast and see whether I really am standing out, whether I really am getting across what I'm trying to do with this.

What about you? Are you looking the same?


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