
High School Monstrous Love - Monster Prom - Part 2 - Party with the Party Ghost!

High School Monstrous Love - Monster Prom - Part 2 - Party with the Party Ghost! Donate to Support the Kit Party Streams!:

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Next up on our fun time dating list is the ghost who does all of the bad stuff and is supremely over the top: Polly! What sort of wacky adventures will we have with her? Let's find out!

Game Information:

What do you get when you cross a bunch of monsters (who are really nice people and you shouldn't judge them for missing an eyeball or being the embodiment of all your deepest fears) and high school Prom? This game. This is a multiplayer dating simulator game. I think. Honestly I don't know, I just wanted to put my guess here before we play the game.

Chat Rules:
1) Be respectful to those in chat. Rudeness will not be tolerated.
2) No RPing. At all. Please.
3) Please keep conversations focused on the game, but if you want to ask something other game related, feel free to ask respectfully.
4) Do not overuse curse words. I'll let some slide, but some words will result in an immediate ban.
5) Have fun in the chat and enjoy the positive atmosphere!
6) No backseat gaming. At All. You will be timed out immediately.
7) No spoilers on any game other than games Kit has streamed.

Other Bits of Information:
Twitter: @XerraWolf
Switch Code: SW-0013-9840-5824
Goal for the Game: Date someone. Anyone. Please?
Word of the Day Command uses information from Merriam-Webster Dictionary!

Monster,Prom,Monster Prom,Blue,Red,Yellow,Green,Zombie,Frankenstein,Fear,Embodiment,Dating,Love,Djinn,Dancing,Photographs,Singing,True Love,High School,Damien,Scott,Vera,Polly,Oz,Liam,Miranda,Amira,Brian,Vicky,Crime,Murder,Friendly,Single,Lonesome,Lovely,

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