Izrael je poznat po borbenim modulima, odnosno daljinski upravljanim borbenim stanicama koje se kao platforma mogu postaviti na oklopne transportere ili borbena vozila. Reč je o mitraljezima IWI 12,7 milimetara, topovima 30 mm ili bacačima granata 30 i 90 mm. Takve stanice mogle bi, na primer, da se integrišu na naše borbeno vozilo "Lazar 3", pogotovo što ne bi bilo prvi put da Izrael ima takav model saradnje.
Serbia’s President Alexander Vucic announced his plans to buy weapons from Israel and open an “official state office” in Jerusalem during AIPAC’s annual conference in Washington at the weekend. Vucic added that a diplomatic office would follow, bearing Serbia’s national flag.
“We’re trying to find the best possible way to do something officially in Jerusalem,” he explained. “We have always had a good relationship with Jews, throughout history. We love the Jewish people, we have always had a great relationship and we’ll do our best to improve our relationship.”
According to an interview in the Jerusalem Post, Vucic said that the arms purchase from Israel will “not be a small delivery”.