Hello Friends!!
Today we continue our Constellation Series with Pisces!
Pisces is depicted in the Heavens as two fish, bound to each other by a rope. 🐠➰🐠 The story behind it is that a fire breathing monster, Typhon, was trying to catch Aphrodite and her son Eros. To escape him, they jumped into the Euphrates river and transform themselves into fish. They tie a rope around each other's tail so they would not lose each other.
My Colors today are:
- Payne's Gray
- Prussian Blue
- Turquoise Phthalo
DecoArt Americana Decor
- 24K Gold
- Emerald Green
Satin Enamels
- Pure White with some
Artist's Loft
Flow Acrylic White
Liquitex Basics
- Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue
My Pouring Medium is:
Liquitex Gloss
Medium & Varnish
Paint + a bit of Water
I have really been having a great time with 'Wrecking' some of my pours (Thank you Molly!), and wanted to experiment with doing the wreck in different shapes.. why not a fish? I have a few ideas I want to try out..
I layer my cup carefully down the side, keeping contrast in mind. I put down a Payne's Gray basecoat (inspired by Sarah Mack and her dustpan pours!)
I pour a ring pour in the center, and then a Wandering Ring Pour on the side. I feel like I need a little more paint, so I fill my cup again, and pour it.
I wreck the first pour with 2 fish shapes, then the other pour with a sort of CrissCross pattern, almost like the letter M. Then I begin to tilt.
Once I cover the canvas I see some areas that I don't love at the bottom so I continue tilting and let that part run off, effectively stretching out the top beautifully.
I lost the fish shaped wrecks in the tilting, but that "M shaped" wreck opened up and created so many beautiful lines!
My rings open up and stretch, and it creates this lovely transparency almost.. this piece looks like it could be Stained Glass to me. I'm very happy with how it came out!
I hope you enjoyed this pour, I had a lot of fun with it! I encourage you to play and try new things.. you never know what might happen!
If you would like to see more of my work you can check it out on Facebook at Mina Villegas Art:
Check out Molly's Artistry and her Wrecked RingPour playlist here:
Check out Sarah Mack's exciting new Dustpan pours here:
You can also check out my Etsy shop here:
If you enjoyed this video and you'd like to be a Patron of the Arts you can donate here:
Thank you so much for your donations, every little bit helps me keep stocked in paint and canvas and pouring medium. I'm so happy to be able to create videos for you guys, and your support makes that possible. Thank you again. ❤️
I would love it if you could Share my videos on your social media! It's a great free way for you to help me grow my channel. I really appreciate all your support and encouragement!
If you see a painting that you love and would like to buy, please message me! My artwork is for sale, and I'd be happy to talk with you about the details in private.
You can contact me via Messenger, or you can email me at Mina@MinaVillegasArt.com 😊
Thank you all so much for watching and coming along on this journey with us. I really feel all your support and encouragement and love, and we love you all right back. ❤
Much love and light to you all
~Mina, HoA and ZenKitty