
Ultra-precise, mind-controlled prosthetic hand for amputees via RPNI neural interface

Ultra-precise, mind-controlled prosthetic hand for amputees via RPNI neural interface “It's like you have a hand again”: A new study from the University of Michigan gives amputees natural, finger-level control of a robotic hand:

In this major advance for mind-controlled prosthetics, U-M research led by Paul Cederna and Cindy Chestek demonstrates an ultra-precise prosthetic interface technology that taps faint latent signals from nerves in the arm and amplifies them to enable real-time, intuitive, finger-level control of a robotic hand.

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U-M’s approach centers on the Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface (RPNI)—a small graft of muscle tissue surgically attached to the end of a severed nerve in an amputee’s arm.

While other neural interfaces are harmful to nerves, the RPNI promotes healthy nerve growth and acts as a bioamplifier, converting faint neural signals sent from the brain into large, recordable muscle signals that remain stable for years. Combined with machine learning algorithms, these signals enable intuitive, real-time mind control of advanced robotic prosthetic hands.

The research is published in the journal Science Translational Medicine and is titled, "A regenerative peripheral nerve interface allows real-time control of an artificial hand in upper limb amputees."

See it covered in:
MIT Technology Review:
Stat News:

Paul Cederna is the Robert Oneal Collegiate Professor of Plastic Surgery and a professor of biomedical engineering.

Cindy Chestek is an associate professor of biomedical engineering and part of U-M’s Robotics Institute.

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Michigan Engineering,University of Michigan,University of Michigan Engineering,University of Michigan College of Engineering,Prosthetics,prosthetic arms,prosthetic limbs,neural prosthesis,nerve prosthetics,prosthetic control,how do mind controlled prosthetics work,types of prosthetics,RPNI,prosthesis vs prosthetic,amputation,amputee research,nerve imaging,mind controlled prosthetic,biomedical engineering,Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface,

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