
WEST 2020: 3 March 2020 Morning Panel Are We Able to Procure, Upgrade, and Adapt to Meet the Demands

WEST 2020: 3 March 2020 Morning Panel Are We Able to Procure, Upgrade, and Adapt to Meet the Demands Are We Able to Procure, Upgrade, and Adapt to Meet the Demands of Great Power Competition?

Introductions: CAPT Bill Hamblet, USN (Ret.), Director of Proceedings; Editor-in-Chief, Proceedings; The James Stavridis Proceedings Chair

Moderator: Mr. Bryan Clark, Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

RADM Christian D. “Boris” Becker, USN, Commander, Naval Information Warfare Systems Command

RDML Nathan A. Moore, USCG, Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics

VADM Thomas J. Moore, USN, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command

BGen Arthur J. Pasagian, USMC Commanding General, Marine Corps Systems Command

VADM G. Dean Peters, USN, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command


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