
Filter Out The Noise

Filter Out The Noise Filter Out All The Noise

Are you getting caught up in all the noise about Corona virus, about recession, about overwhelm of all that's going on in the world right now?

It would be very easy and very human of you if you were. But I'm here to offer you an alternative. You do not have to get caught up in all that. It's absolutely my belief, and if you know anything at all about the Law of Attraction, you probably believe it too, that we get what we focus on.

So, if you are focused on all that noise, all that fear, all that doubt, all that worry, guess what you're going to get more off. But if you can deliberately choose to refocus your thinking on things that make you feel relief and peace and calm, then you can change what you attract into your experience.

You can attract more peace, more relief, calm, more love. So, it really is a matter of where you put your focus. And with everything that's going on in the world right now, if you turn on the radio or the television, you're going to be bombarded with fear and doubt and worry.

So, a really good suggestion would be to not to turn those things on at all. A really good suggestion would be to get kind of in your bubble and get into a good feeling place and attract more of that into your experience. I have no doubt at all that if you can do that you will sail through this pandemic. Because you get what you focus on so if you're going to
focus on the fear, you'll get more reason to feel fear. If you're going to focus on feeling good, you're going to get more reason to feel good. It's as simple as that.

One way that you can clear the decks of the fear and doubt and worry is this tapping.
I just want to do a round of that for you, so you know how this works.

Just for a test for yourself, think about how fearful you are about what's going on in the world right now? How strong is the fear that you feel, and give it a number out of 10 and then we're going do this tapping round and see if we can't bring that down for you. Okay.

On the karate chop, that fleshy part of the hand between the base of your little finger in the wrist, tap there and say these words out loud. Even though I feel the fear, there's so much fear around, especially in the media right now, I choose to deeply and completely accept myself. Even though there's so much fear around and when I focus on it, I get caught up in it, I choose to deeply and completely accept myself. Even though there's so much fear and it's so easy to get caught up in it. I choose to deeply
and completely accept myself.

Then on the crown top of your head, so much fear. Eyebrow, it's so easy to get caught
up in it. Outside corner of the eyes, so much fear. Under eye, It's very easy to get caught up in it. Under nose, so much fear. Under lip, so much fear. Collarbone, so much fear. Under arm, so much fear. On the wrist, so much fear. Karate, so much fear. Crown, so much fear.

Then take a big breath. And see how it feels now. So hopefully, if you were saying a 10 out of 10 on the scale, it's come down a little bit, and as you keep doing that same round of tapping or similar - you can just you can change the words to whatever you're feeling tap on the same points and say your own words for whatever is coming up. Be specific in terms of whatever it is.

Fear is quite a broad term. But if you say this fear of getting the Coronavirus, or this fear of being infected or this fear of losing my job or this fear of the stock market crashing, or whatever the specific thing is, then you're going to get a better result in that by reducing that fear.

filter,noise,fear,doubt,worry,tapping,EFT,Suzanne Scarrow,

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