00:18 - Test your attentiveness and critical thinking with these visual puzzles!
Emily: “My ex cheated on me all the time! I’m afraid to trust any guy...”
Samantha: “Well I’m not afraid. I can always tell if someone’s cheating!”
Look at these photos! Do you think this person is cheating on their partner?
02:16 - This criminal case will test your logic and analytical thinking! Mrs. Smith called the police: “Today John was really upset. We argued. Then he got dressed and left. He pulled the door open and ran out into the cold. I didn’t close the door. I thought he’d calm down and come back. But a few minutes later 2 men burst into the house. They had been planning to rob us for a while. They wanted money and jewelry. Just then I heard the front door creaking. It was John. I yelled: ‘John, run!’. Would he realize what was going on... and call the police? No, he was worried about me. He ran in and fought the robbers. One of them hit him.”
The Police officer inspected the crime scene. He said: “I think you’re trying to fool me!” Why did he think that?
04:12 - This tricky riddle will test your logic and increase your general knowledge ;) I met a guy once on a dating app. I really liked him. Great looks, common interests... He said he was a pilot, loved cars and was learning the guitar. The man of my dreams! We decided to meet. I picked the fountain in the park. When he showed up, I knew he had lied to me. Do you know why?
05:08 - Here is another portion of visual quizzes to boost your attentiveness to the details! Guys lie all the time...but so do girls. They can even hide their pregnancy. Which one of them is pregnant?
06:52 - Another brainy puzzle that will boost your brain and improve your IQ! Sometimes lies can be more serious.
A couple of months ago, one of my friends returned home from a business trip. He found his wife tied up in the bedroom! He untied her. She told him what happened. Wife: ‘I was playing video games. Then, a robber came into our house! He tied me up. Then he stole all the jewels and money!’ Her husband looked around. He realized his wife was lying. How did he know that?
08:07 - Boost your vision with this short puzzle and try to find the answer before the time is up!
Samantha: “How do we find our guys? We’ve never seen them IRL!”
Emily: “No problem! We have their photos. We’ll find them in no time.”
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