
New 'cash bill could destroy trust in banks and the government': Malcolm Roberts

New 'cash bill could destroy trust in banks and the government': Malcolm Roberts Sky News host Alan Jones has raised an issue “that hasn’t received a lot of attention,” saying laws are being proposed that would basically “ban the use of cash transactions over $10,000” in Australia.

Mr Jones discussed the Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill of 2019 with One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts, saying “it has already, amazingly, passed the House of Representatives where Labor voted to support it”.

“The Senate referred the Bill to their References Committee which handed down its findings last week,” Mr Jones said.

“The Senate inquiry backed the Bill and the Senate Committee recommended the Bill be passed, contingent upon several changes including that the start date be extended to give businesses sufficient time to comply”.

“There are now concerns that the government, down the track, could reduce the cash payment limit below the $10,000”.

“But what the hell is a conservative Government - is it really conservative – what is it up to here,” he said.

Mr Roberts said the Bill would “give the banks more power”.

“This will destroy trust, the public’s trust in banks and in government”.

“This is the government putting a stake in the heart of every person in this country”.

Image: Getty


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